icTracker Valuation of stocks with Industry 'Sanitaryware' in India

*NOTE - Grey coloured rows indicate that 100% of stocks in this list have moved towards their Intrinsic Price since the valuation date
Intrinsic Price and Market Price are in Rs., Market Cap is in Rs. Cr
Outlook codes :: Blsh - Bullish; Brsh - Bearish; FrBl - Fairly Bullish; FrBr - Fairly Bearish; VrBl - Very Bullish; VrBr - Very Bearish; WkBl - Weak Bullish; WkBr - Weak Bearish

NoStock NameIndustryValuation DateMarket price on val. dateIntrinsic price on val. dateLatest market priceLatest full market capLatest free-float market capMV to IVKBEVA® to NWOutlook
1 CarysilSanitaryware31 Dec 2024750.2350.5583.41,657.6911.72.140.48-0.03VrBr
2 Cera SanitarywareSanitaryware31 Dec 20247,587.02,765.06,171.07,959.02,369.82.740.640.01WkBl
3 Kajaria CeramicsSanitaryware31 Dec 20241,159.0293.4911.214,512.17,552.23.950.39-0.01VrBr
4 Somany CeramicsSanitaryware31 Dec 2024639.0386.1462.81,897.6773.81.660.45-0.03VrBr