Keep your face always
towards the sunshine...and shadows will fall behind you. - Walt Whitman

Articles on Intellectual Investing from

2023 - Letter to Clients

Posted 6 months ago

     The year 223 is when the Covid pandemic finally came under control. Although it reared its ugly head once again during the months of April and May, this turned out to be a temporary phenomenon. The widespread vaccination program as well as the precautionary habits inculcated in the population stopped the spread of the virus very quickly. Variants of the virus may yet emerge in the future, but the fatal threat of this virus has been likely blunted forever. India mark......... Read the complete article

2022 - Letter to Clients

Posted 1 year ago

    The year 222 started out once again with the highly contagious Covid omicron variant spreading rapidly through the population in India. Fortunately fatalities due to this variant were relatively lower and coupled together with the Government’s active vaccination drive, the situation normalized after a couple of months, only to rear its head once again during Junep>India markets      Here is how the various asset classes in India performed during the year ......... Read the complete article

The Ukraine crisis - what to do now?

Posted 2 years ago

Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful. Warren Buffett We seem to be living in a crisis ridden world nowadays. Just when the financial crisis unraveled by the Covid pandemic, that has ravaged entire economies and destroyed livelihoods worldwide, seemed to be coming under control, a new crisis has overtaken us. To be sure the Ukraine crisis has been simmering for a long time – just that it has taken war like proportions only now. As of the time of writing this......... Read the complete article

2021 - Letter to Clients

Posted 2 years ago

 221 started out as a year of hope against the Corona pandemic that had ravaged the world during 22. Various vaccines appeared at the start of the year with the promise to protect humankind against this virus. In tandem, Governments across the world started the mammoth process of rolling out these vaccines in right earnest. As the rollout of the vaccines gathered momentum, economic activity and market confidence also recovered slowly. But just three months into the year, the lethal Delta va......... Read the complete article

2020 - Letter to Clients

Posted 3 years ago

 22 is a year which all of us who have lived through it will remember for a very long time. At the start of the year, ‘pandemic’ was a term that to the vast majority of us was a word restricted to the dictionary. But by the end of the year, that changed drastically as it became a household syllable. All of us can righty claim to have lived through a pandemic now. The Covid19 pandemic affected every aspect of every one’s lives all around the world. This virus originated in Wuhan in China in ......... Read the complete article